open sesame


open sesame

keinot, tapa, konsti, seesam aukene, käsky, kehotus, määräys, komento, taikasana.


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Englannin sanakirja

open sesame (englanti > suomi)

  1. seesam|alt=seesam aukene

  2. taikasana

open sesame englanniksi

  1. open up|Open up!

  2. Any successful means of achieving a result, especially means that are magical or technical, or otherwise beyond the understanding of most people.

  3. 1905, John Ruskin, The Works of John Ruskin, page lv,

  4. He who can read a true book aright has an open sesame to audiences with the great and wise of all time.
  5. 1963, William J. Palmer, Trial Tactics in California, page 57,

  6. Relevancy not always an open sesame having in mind the over-all authority and discretion of the trial judge.
  7. 2001 September 24, Gareth McLean, “Sympathy for a devil”, in wikipedia:The Guardian|The Guardian,

  8. When Mussolini was a young chap, he dabbled with socialism, imagining it to be an open sesame to a better society.
